Took the week off during Labour Day to spend time with my college alumnus. We went bamboo rafting at Sg Betau, located in Pahang. It is was a great time, to be able to sit side by side with fellow seniors and lecturer.

I was tasked to create the tee-shirt. I did the silk screen and then print it on the tee-shirt provided by Bro Aidi. Have to make another block of silk-screen because the first one got worn out after 11 tee shirts printed. The dye was rubber-dye. Didn't make any profits as the fund allocated was fully spent on going to and fro, searching for Venus Art. And then found another shop, though charged higher by 200%, the block emulsion didn't break.
Printing was easy but since I am always busy, it was made in the wee morning. OK back to the story.
We spent the night at the kampung hall which was quite cosy except for the ants. There were in thousands. The night session with barbequed lambs, chicken, sausages and burger with fried rice was really appealing. The lamb was the most sought and the first to finish. Sweet and tender.

After that, I sat down with Bro Sager and Kamar Azman. Bro Sager pulled 3 cigars and while we chat for hours, we were puffing away the sweet smoke of a cigar.
Kamar Azman, the lecturer whom interviewed me when I applied for mass communication, the

lecturer who was my facilitator during my practical, and the lecturer that gives 4 flat for all the subjects I took. To me, he was a very practical lecturer. We admired the way he taught us. He left ITM in the late 90s to go on business endeavours. I just can't resist calling him "Yeob" as that is the way he called all his students and friends. LOLZ BTW we stayed at the same taman in Ipoh. I remembered playing with his kid brother demolishing his Spitfire 1:24 model.
Bro Sager, on the other hand, is still working in NSTP. Doing articles on wrecks and historical stuff. A very talkative person and didn't bore me at all. All the facts were very interesting. I

passed him some of the story that were mind boggling such as the KD Mahawangsa went through Bermuda Triangle and came out after experiencing weird scenarios. And we talked about my relationship with Wan Malini. She was one of the ladies whom were highlighted in our folktales, Hikayat Malim Deman. For the next two days, we were figuring out the name of the princes that came down to Bukit Seguntang LOLZ. Found out of after we have access to the internet. he he he

Anyway, I am glad I was there. Bro Aidi and his henchman, Shahril, ManTiger, Shaun, Halimi and family (all Mass Commites and he is Haida Hassan's brother. Haida was my MC classmate) , Bro Xool, Zaiton, Hisham, Kamar Azman, Bro Sager, Rozki, Zuki (our designated guide) and Mat Selalu (POS BETAU JKK) were all cheerful and enjoying every moment. You guys and gals are the greatest bunch for such an expedition. Happy to be alongside you all.
Enjoy the video I made of the event.
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