Got an interesting msg on my FB. "Semuga sembuh cepat Bro...provided you keep your dua's in English it will lagging/delay a bit."
Hello..... What crap is this? Allah have made us and from there, we have our languages. Now, why do Arabic will get the preferences when you put your hands up asking for forgiveness or maybe for giving us rezeki after we worked hard towards achieving it? Does these people understand that what is important is the heart and soul understanding what you are doing and reacting. I admit I can read the Arabic and Jawi but I didn't have the opportunity to understand every single words. I read from the translation. The keyword is UNDERSTANDING. If we just ameen to words we don't understand, don't you feel odd of saying aye to some words that you can't make head or tails of it. I am not saying we should not learn it. I picked up some words so I can understand what is being said in Arabic but to recite back a doa, I'll be murmuring a long the way. I rather said in Malay because I understand it and if there are makmums, they understand it too.
Hello..... What crap is this? Allah have made us and from there, we have our languages. Now, why do Arabic will get the preferences when you put your hands up asking for forgiveness or maybe for giving us rezeki after we worked hard towards achieving it? Does these people understand that what is important is the heart and soul understanding what you are doing and reacting. I admit I can read the Arabic and Jawi but I didn't have the opportunity to understand every single words. I read from the translation. The keyword is UNDERSTANDING. If we just ameen to words we don't understand, don't you feel odd of saying aye to some words that you can't make head or tails of it. I am not saying we should not learn it. I picked up some words so I can understand what is being said in Arabic but to recite back a doa, I'll be murmuring a long the way. I rather said in Malay because I understand it and if there are makmums, they understand it too.
So to the less unfortunate that didn't had the opportunity to learn Arabic, don't panic. Doa in a language you understand. It gives you that feeling of repentance if you want to cleanse your heart and soul, the feeling of thankfulness when you want to thank Allah for the rezeki He brings to us and the feeling of serenity when you doa for the life you are having. When you doa, it goes direct to Him, there is no third party involved. It is just you and the alMighty. So, if I said it in Malay, does Allah understand what I am saying. You know the answer.
So, go ahead. Doa in the language you know what you asking, giving or just gratefulness. But if you have the luxury to learn Arabic, learn it and use it. But you must understand what you saying.
LOLZ What a message to receive in a wee morning of 5.20 am.
This is a ceramah by an American preacher..... (It is more on the heart)
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