Wednesday, June 30, 2010

I am too kind

Too kind that I got trampled by opportunistic so-called friends. So much is owed and because of trust, word as bond was used. Most Malay businessmen I know don't hold their end of bargain if we used words as bonds.

One more thing, I am pissed to the corrupt ways of business I endured. They set a system and yet I would not follow the system that is corrupt and clearly against the teaching of Islam. I may be poor but my integrity is secured. I don't believe in being a kaki bodek and giving undertable. And for that I lost the business advantages as they said it. So, bye bye professional knowledge, bye bye merit.

Ya Allah, show the path, the righteous path as I hold hard on my principles in accordance to Islam. And I am grateful for the rezeki which is halal. You are truly great. Subhanallah. Alhamdulillah.

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