Monday, June 08, 2009

I just simply can't sleep

The whole family is enjoying their holidays in Terengganu and I have to stay back because of some work need to be delivered this week. I knocked off right after Asar and woke up just before Isyak. Went out to buy some food - Soto and kueh apam. Got back and started to work on the long past due video project. I was doing it till Subuh. Then I realised I was still fresh. Lying down was not helping at all. I did some chores and went out to buy my bandages and plaster. Opps cash has run out.

Went back and thought I can knocked myself out. I still can't sleep. By 2pm, I was feeling a bit groggy and wanted to lie down. My handphone rang and my future client wanted a quotation el pronto. Oh No, the grogginess is gone.

If the client like the pricing I made. I'll be OK for the next 4 months. Please, Ya Allah, Open his heart to take my quote.

Now, I just took the bandages off, the wound is bleeding profusely. I just wipe it off, took a bath and self-bandage myself.

After a good bath, now I am starting to feel groggy again. Hope there is no more phone calls. I need to sleep.

Ahhh. Now it is raining. A nice mood to doze off or should I wait for Maghrib?



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