Sunday, July 11, 2010

Goodbye my friend

Last Friday, my web buddy passed away. Azmi FG which FG stands for Fat Ghost died due to internal injuries he had from an accident a few days before. He was 48. He was an office colleague of mine when I was an i-director at Concept Access. He was with Concept Comm. We always chatted when I was sharing his office Mac publishing system.

It been years we last met. Actually we never met since I left CA. We got back close in Alumni Mass Comm site with him always putting comments on any forum discussions. His comments is always funny and sometimes doesn't make sense but it makes the site alive.

The night I got the message he passed away, I was devastated. I felt lost and as if a part of me has died with him. I was totally downed and spent in my room asleep and missed WC semis and finals. Never thought that the relationship that comes abruptly to an end affected me so much. It is the same feeling when my wife miscarriage a few years back. Mind went numb and I became a zombie.

To Azmi, al Fatihah to you, my brother. May Allah placed you amongst His minions.

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